5 Things to be concerned about when you have spinal pain

5 Things to be concerned about when you have spinal pain in West Linn

Spinal pain is most common in the lumbar (lower) and cervical (neck) region, causing most missed workdays. The strain and sprains of the muscle usually contribute to this pain. These pains are usually acute pain which is short-term and lasts up to 6 weeks or chronic pain is considered long-term and lasts over 3 months. In this article, we will share with you things to be concerned about when you experience spinal pain in West Linn.

1. Disc Herniation

Disc herniation is a common contributor to spinal pain. This is also known as a pinched nerve, bulging and burning disc. This pain is severe and long-lasting.

The symptoms start with a pain in the leg often known as sciatica, which indicates an issue with the lumbar spine (lower back). Other symptoms may include weakness, tingling and chronic pain in the leg.

The treatment for this pain includes physical therapy, gentle exercise and stretching. These conventional treatments are tested and effective, reducing further intense treatment. In cases where this treatment does not work, a surgical procedure would be the next approach.

2. Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is the abnormal growth of the bone that contains spinal nerves or the cord. This seems to start gradually and eventually get worse with frequent and intense pain.

The treatment for this pain is usually a combination of gentle exThe treatment for this pain is usually a combination of gentle exercise and a change in routine. Sitting or lying down, avoiding certain activities and maintaining a good forward posture can also help relieve the pain. A spinal epidural injection can be used to treat severe cases and ease comfort.

More: When should you have neck or disc pain checked out?

3. Sprains and Strains

This is an unusual pain or discomfort in your neck and/or back. This could be a reaction to a sprain or strain. This pain can be caused by excessive exercise, whiplash, or falling. With proper treatment, the pain can be relieved on its own in a short time.

When you experience this pain, it is recommended to see your doctor for a proper diagnosis before the pain gets severe.

If the pain is examined and concluded to be a sprain or strain, rest and short activities are recommended to relieve the pain. Physical therapy and gentle exercise is a further prescription to assist in fast recovery.

4. Spinal Osteoarthritis

Spinal osteoarthritis is the breakdown of cartilage in the joints, lower back or neck. This pain may further lead to bone spurs causing severe pain on the nerves around the spinal column.

Spinal osteoarthritis is treated with conservative and aggressive methods depending on the problem. For the conservative, hot or cold packs are used, while surgery is recommended as the last restore for patients.

5. Vertebral Compression Fracture

A vertebral compression fracture can cause chronic pain around the neck or back area. This pain is caused by tiny cracks in the spinal cord which may eventually lead to the collapse of the vertebral column.

The symptoms are usually sudden and chronic back pain. This may result in a stooped appearance. It is recommended that this issuer be tackled earlier to prevent further problems.

The treatment of this pain includes bed rest, pain medication, limited activities and bracing of the neck or back. Further treatment includes medication to strengthen the bones and prevent the condition from escalating.

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